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Showing posts from August, 2017

Assignment 1: Canvas Object experiment

Dear Blog,  My first assignment was to experiment with coding canvas shapes on dreamweaver (super cool and confusing program) and this was my result... Lets just call it abstract art.  context.beginPath(); //this tells dw the starting point of a shape context.moveTo(100,100); //termination of the first line context.lineTo(300,300); //creates a second line context.lineTo(500, 100); //draws the closed shape (this is all about drawing by numbers) context.closePath(); //use your color picker again here from or context.fillStyle = "rgba(500, 150, 250, 1)"; context.fill();   //use the decimal in the aplha here (0.5) context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; // the "a" stands for aplpha chanel which is the transparency of the line or object /  0 = invisible - 1 = solid color - use decimals to fade between //creates the stroke context.stroke() //creates a stroke along the a...

New Beginnings

Dear Blog, So I guess I should introduce myself.. My name is Erika Peitersen and I am super excited for my Digital Media class, which is the point of this blog. I will be posting all of my assignments and projects to share with fellow eyes. Today was the first day of class and right off the bat I was learning things I had no idea about, specifically learning to draw shapes by coding. It was definitely not the easiest thing to figure out but that made it all the more interesting and challenging to me. My determination to get the hang of it I guess was driven by my inner competitor lol.. A little bit more about myself and what I expect out of this class: I am Venezuelan and Danish and I take pride in my cultural background. I think it is super important to find things that make one unique and be proud of it. I like to have a balance of activities so because of this, I find interest in the arts, photography and digital art to be specific, as well as in sports (I play for the women...