Dear Blog, My first assignment was to experiment with coding canvas shapes on dreamweaver (super cool and confusing program) and this was my result... Lets just call it abstract art. context.beginPath(); //this tells dw the starting point of a shape context.moveTo(100,100); //termination of the first line context.lineTo(300,300); //creates a second line context.lineTo(500, 100); //draws the closed shape (this is all about drawing by numbers) context.closePath(); //use your color picker again here from or context.fillStyle = "rgba(500, 150, 250, 1)"; context.fill(); //use the decimal in the aplha here (0.5) context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"; // the "a" stands for aplpha chanel which is the transparency of the line or object / 0 = invisible - 1 = solid color - use decimals to fade between //creates the stroke context.stroke() //creates a stroke along the a...